Micro Clean 1ltr
Micro Clean 1ltr
Micro Clean is a biological stain and odour digester that will effectively degrade any organic soiling absorbed into carpets, upholstery fabrics and flooring material that traditional cleaners cannot remove. It is highly effective on urine stains and odour. Micro Clean is also effective at preventing odours in small bore pipes from sinks, baths, showers and from kitchen waste units in catering and food prep areas.
Micro Clean can also be used for pet stains on artificial grass and as a solution to flood damaged properties.
- Biodegradable
- Non harmful
- Economical
- Simple to use
- Neutral pH (6.5—7.5)
- Pleasant fragrance
- Suitable for use in septic tanks
*Do not spray: Micro Clean needs to be allowed to fully penetrate the offending area and a spray application is less likely to deliver sufficient product to the soiling.
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