Powerburst Air Freshener 750ml
Powerburst Air Freshener 750ml
Powerburst air freshener is designed to propel the fragrance over a large area, leaving a long lasting and fresh scent.
Powerburst air freshener is also called “Odourkill” and that’s for a very good reason. Powerburst air freshener kills odours! Do you have a nasty smell lingering around your property? Maybe it’s a drain smell, or maybe it’s the smell of pets? Not only will powerburst air freshener leave your property smelling fresh and inviting for a long time, but it will also treat foul smelling odours.
Powerburst air freshener scents available:
- Fresh Linen
- Tutti Frutti
- Watermelon
- Red Berries
The powerburst air freshener containers are 750ml in size, and are fantastic for using in commercial premises as they cover a large area.
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